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Users have a big role in social platforms. Their retention is important for the business to run. I perform analysis on Monthly Active Users and Cohort Analysis to see the trends in the users and also their retention. The analysis conducted for the year 2014


EcommerceU is a growing platform and the company seeks to change the way the company makes decisions to become more data-driven. The stakeholder asks for a dashboard to help them monitor metrics that are important to the business. The dashboards are created for 3 different stakeholder: C-level, Product & Sales Team, Operational (Marketing) Team

The marketing strategy used by EcommerceU Company does not target a specific market or differentiate approaches for different market segments. Hence, the stakeholder expects the data analyst to conduct a Customer Segmentation Analysis in order to be able to provide recommendation support for the development of segmented marketing strategies

In Q4 2020, the product team made an experiment to add new features. With these new features, our users can bypass filling in the address, delivery services, and payment method (after choosing their default value for each one). The company tried to understand the impact of the experiments that have been carried out and needs several recommendations for the continuation of these features.


EcommerceU experienced a significant decline in transaction value from Dec 2021 to Feb 2022. The stakeholder asks about the reason behind the decline. Also, the company needs to conduct a churn analysis to know more about the causes and ways to anticipate and deal with similar incidents.


Conduct data exploration using spreadsheet to get an overview of property in Kuala Lumpur in terms of price, location, and residence type.

Image by Breno Assis

A continuation of Kuala Lumpur Property Listing Data Exploration. Perform k-means clustering for property listing based on price, bathrooms, car parks, size, total room, and furnishing type.

Exercised my querying skill using San Francisco Bikeshare Dataset using BigQuery

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